Sunday, October 4, 2009

A little update

Hi everyone. As you probably have noticed, I have fallen behind in the mailings of the Comfort Doll project. Not to worry, I'm awake now .....
and got caught up and will be mailing out 7 dozen this week. Two dozen went out last week. We are up to 70 dozen, can you believe it?

I wanted you to know that the address I had on this blog is a valid one. It was removed for security reasons and if you need to send dolls to me, just email for the address and I will get it to you.

If you have a dozen or more dolls you want to send to a specific place, I will mail you comfort doll cards for each doll and the letter I send with each shipment then you can send them directly to the shelter. This will save on double postage . Thank you for your cooperation.

I will be posting new doll arrivals this week. I just wanted you to know the project is still going strong and I'm sure it will continue to bring joy to many women.

Thank you all for who you are and what you do.

Group hug!

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